AIA Houston activities

PRISM was founded to help clients leverage their project images as a business tool. PRISM is uniquely qualified to deliver on this promise because most of our project managers have advanced architectural degrees and have worked for architecture and development firms. To stay active within the architectural community, PRISM supports several AIA Houston events. In March PRISM sponsored a session of the Christopher Kelley Leadership Development Program (CKLDP) and in May we attended the participants’ graduation. This national leadership program is geared toward mid-career professionals, providing them a broad spectrum of targeted classes for firm management. Many thanks to Courtney Brinegar, project manager at Burditt Land|Place and a graduate of the inaugural Houston CKLDP class, for inviting us to participate. PRISM also sponsored the AIA’s Women in Architecture (WiA) 2019 Equity Series in April. We were proud to support and attend the panel discussion: Me to We – An Authentic Look at Collaborators in the Practice of Architecture. The panelists offered their individual and collective insights on critical topics such as the current challenges for women within architecture and the different paths for leadership roles within architectural firms. Our thanks to Caitlin Scott, Associate at Dillon Kyle Architecture for the invite. Not only do events like these keep us connected to current developments within the practice of architecture, they are also in line with our commitment to grow leaders and reflective or our all-female team.