Debby Rihn-Harvey, flying high

Our team recently celebrated our 16th anniversary--what a difference one year has made! We were in total survival mode last year, and my primary focus was finding ways to protect everyone's job. Fast forward twelve months, I'm working on our most ambitious business growth plan with the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program. If there were any doubts in my mind about our future growth plan, they were eradicated during my second visit with my hero, the First Lady of Aerobatics, Debby Rihn-Harvey, at the Wings Over Houston Air Show this month. Debby is the most courageous, intelligent, competitive, and energetic woman I've ever met. She's been the women's national champion nine times and is the longest-flying U.S. Unlimited Aerobatic Team member, representing the United States in 13 World Championships. She is truly a national treasure! Debby's passion for aerobatics is contagious. At 70 years young, she did a radio interview about performing tricks while flipping and twisting the plane around in the sky in front of everyone! I could tell from her voice that she was having so much fun doing what she loves to do! That level of passion inspires and drives me to be curious and action-oriented in all that I do!