Servant's heart

During this time of Advent as we prepare for Christmas, several PRISM families were out in the community to serve others. Angels of Light is a cherished Second Baptist Church family tradition held across all six campuses. Jing’s family and several of the PRISM member’s families volunteered at the Cypress campus event. Angels of Light 2019 served 7,603 angels and their families from the inner-city and surrounding communities with a dinner, show, gifts, and groceries to needy families. Sarah’s family also participated in Wreaths Across America - Houston, with the group Impact A Hero, at Houston National Cemetery. They placed Remembrance wreaths on the graves of veterans who have served and sacrificed so much. Vivian’s family volunteered in the Fort Bend community at Santa’s Exchange/Toys for Tots which provides toys to more than 5,000 children. And Tracy’s family poured back into their local church by helping with the Preschoolers, greeting and directing traffic so those in the community could enjoy a wonderful Christmas concert this holiday season. We've all cherished this time with our families, amid the frenzy of holiday activities, and remember even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others.