Xin nian hao

The Coronavirus has been on many people's minds these days. However, it's personal to me. I recently completed the 14-day voluntary quarantine after my annual January trip to China. It was such an unforgettable experience. I was heartbroken and in awe to see the empty streets and closed businesses instead of large crowds and busy shops. Despite all the depressing news each day, being a "professional optimist", I chose to focus on the upsides amongst all the adversity and challenges. For starters, I'm happy to report that all of our families, friends and production team members are safe and healthy! I was able to spend a week with my parents to celebrate the Lunar New Year and their combined 170th birthday! Secondly, our production teams are keeping up with the heavy workflow, despite the many transportation and logistical barriers. I'm deeply touched by their can-do spirit. It allows us to serve our clients here with full capacity. Technology has truly played a crucial role during this difficult time. Finally, I'm confident that the around-the-clock global efforts by many medical experts and healthcare scientists will win the battle against Coronavirus soon. Blessings to all of PRISM’s friends and clients for their health and well-being!